农民工进大学女寝室小说 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 剧情片 港台 2013

导演: 谢娜   


  "Veteran experimental filmmakers Danielle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub helmed this unusual adaptation of a novel by Elio Vittorini. Focused on the triumphs and failures of a group of laborers and farm hands who pooled their resources to operate an alternative collective farm after the end of World War II, Operai, Contadini features a cast of 12 actors who read aloud from Vittorini's book for the duration of the film, either reciting from memory or using a clearly visible script. Hardly designed to be a crowd pleaser, Operai, Contadini proved to be controversial among the audiences for its showings at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival, where it was screened as part of the Directors' Fortnight series." ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide
  "The group makes up a primitive community which seeks to erase not only the distress created by the war but also the hardships of life and hunger, and to protect them from violence, misery and fear. Amid the ruins of this post-war period, the characters build and invent a rapport  both in their professional and daily lives  between themselves, the sexes, generations, diverse social and geographical origins, and antagonistic political camps.
  The group maintains a 'register', a kind of diary, as if it were entering the minutes of an inquiry or a trial." -Steve Grayson
  "my favorite Straub-Huillet films are Too Early, Too Late and Operai, contadini (2001), both color landscape films with especially acute senses of place as well as of nature in all its harsh beauty." - Jonathan Rosenbaum


  • 墨山菡 5小时前 :


  • 庚旭东 4小时前 :


  • 卫子夫 7小时前 :


  • 始白梅 3小时前 :


  • 文运凡 4小时前 :

    总体剧情观感比前面几部好很多 但是动作片元素明显不够爽啊 最后你让安室透在直升机里制服凶手然后凶手来一句:没用的 直升机在地上爆炸整个渋谷一样会为我陪葬 这时候让柯南用足球接住坠落的直升机不帅吗???太帅了好吧

  • 宗政冷菱 3小时前 :

    9.1/10 #PFF30 Fiction and Non-Fiction. 以一种社会纪录片的温柔视角(城市地貌的重评估-纽约大部分拍摄位于中国城附近;与孩童思维的反思-真实的与孩子的对话和观察),来逐步构建“反抗”的孩子与“失意”的成年中的关系,拷问家庭中Motherhood,或Parenthood,的定义。正如滨口在《驾驶我的车》中重估文本性质和指向性一般,米尔斯同样重估了话语(对话/采访)的含义,通过未来(孩子作为未来社会的主体)评估未来的方式来短暂脱离现世泥淖(黑白也作为“去现实”的手段),建立新的和解/理解。孩子掌握着Apparatus(录音机),然后允许观众去通过他聆听世界,聆听城市“噪音”,聆听他人,并尝试理解,理解世界。

  • 堂颀秀 3小时前 :

    回忆杀我好爱 警校几人组 以前看的时候好磕 呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜

  • 呼若薇 5小时前 :


  • 卫夫 6小时前 :

    可能有基于导演自身经历的部分所以还蛮生动 在没带过孩子之前谁能想到一个小家伙能有那么难带呢//大概是基于故事的生活调性 表演和摄影都充满了生活感 而黑白的色调又让整体离生活稍微远了一点点 纽约的城市感在这种半远不远生活的状态下被营造了出来

  • 初惠 8小时前 :

    Phoenix的眼睛表现力太强了。时而平静,just makes u feel safe;时而充满无奈,when he was exhausted…a great actor just can bring the whole film to a higher level.

  • 卫锦镖 2小时前 :


  • 婷晨 0小时前 :


  • 张简昆明 3小时前 :

    老人与小孩(安哲罗普洛斯),女人与小孩(齐豫),这个是中年与小孩。电影整体凑合吧。演完小丑的菲尼克斯很难突破啊 。。。

  • 戏冬易 2小时前 :


  • 文信 9小时前 :

    真的不错!小五郎的麻醉梗好像不是每个人都get到了 要素齐全剧情连贯

  • 卫家昕 7小时前 :


  • 慕寒荷 4小时前 :

    Thai. 终于把欠柯南的电影票补上了。 感动满满。

  • 所韶容 2小时前 :


  • 慧梦 9小时前 :

    Your typical nice looking, "heart warming" A24 flick...unrealistically precocious kid paired with confused middle-aged man and through turbulence and conflicts they gradually learn from each other and cherish the experience forever --- I have seen this one many times before. The "it's okay to yell, and then yelling out loud" scene in particular is soooo much of a cliche. Cinematography is alright but not really impressive, watching this back to back with Red Rocket the difference is so obvious (ok B&W is at disadvantage but still).The interview bits aren't integrated organically into the story, and it feels like the feel-good, "heartfelt" material got mixed in just for audience appeal.

  • 卫娅娜 7小时前 :

    跟所有人的感受一样,这是一部很温柔的电影。这是一部适合一个人慢慢享受的电影。电影的带娃日常我也很熟悉,我是一个aunt,有好多侄子侄女外甥外甥女,我也时不时要解父母们的燃眉之急帮忙带娃。只不过我实在没有电影中uncle Johnny那么温柔,所以我也没有做父母的潜质。说这是一部适合父母看的电影,我倒没有这样的感受,这电影跟父母好像关系不大。父母似乎太忙了,根本没时间听孩子的声音,那些孩子们对未来的想象,对现在的感受,父母们都忙到没时间也没心思再理会了。我很喜欢那些喃喃自语,那些一问一答也像是喃喃自语。一个人的喃喃自语,不需要被倾听,也不需要被理解。


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